Thursday 5 February 2009

What a Week!

I am sure you will agree with us that this week has been quite extraordinary weather-wise. I hope the children all managed to make the most of their two extra days at home this week. It is always regrettable to close the school but at least our children had plenty of fun and were safe!
Road Safety Update
Thank you to all the children who helped us in our road safety campaign - the icy roads haven't helped people coming to and from school this week but we really do appreciate those of you who are parking slightly further away We are holding a special assembly on Monday to thank my road crusaders - pictures will be posted early next week!
Thank you to all the local residents who thanked us for our efforts. This wasn't a one off - we'll be back!!

1 comment:

johnbramstonprimary said...

Those of you that haven't managed to read 6L's Blog may not know about the snowy photograph competition.

If you have a 'snowy' picture from this week, please bring it into school next week or email it to the school's email address.

We will put these on display and give a prize to the best photograph.

Mr Lee