Sunday, 5 July 2015

Y5 and Y6 painting workshops

Dan Whiteson returned on Friday to complete the art topic with Y5 and Y6 classes.

The focus was painting using colour and music appreciation to complete the art work
and reflect moods and emotions.

Throughout the whole project the children were entirely focused and their final pieces reflected

the quality of their work.

Here are a selection of comments from the children, which highlight the great value and importance that arts and creative working can bring to our lives and our learning!!

"I really enjoyed working with Dan. He has really told us how we can express our feelings with art and colours. I've really enjoyed this experience!!"

"I felt relaxed and calm with Dan. My creativity went wild!!"

"I learnt that everyone can draw. No one can say that they cannot Draw!"

"Art is cool and is teaches me different skills!"

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