Friday 23 May 2014

Car free day!!

We had 100 children for breakfast bright and early on Wednesday morning. How did they get there?? Certainly not by car!! 

A fantastic effort was made by all pupils and staff to travel sustainably today. 

Thank you to everyone who helped out 

The day continued with year five and six children showing off their scooting and cycling skills at break time. 

Tut tut some cheeky members of staff still came to school by car. The Junior Travel Ambassadors made sure there was a penalty! 

A great initiative thought of by Kajus and Rida! Another idea that they decided was that all children that travelled to school sustainably had a loyalty card whereby it was filled out everyday they travelled without a car. 

Each time a child scooted/cycled/walked they got a fab and if they filled out their loyalty card their name will be entered into a prize draw... Keep posted for the winners after may half term! 

Kajus explaining his 'energy badge system' to Year 6. 

Thank you also to year four for creating posters to advertise the big shift challenge 

A very successful week ending on Wednesday with a total of 451 children travelling to school sustainably.

Well done and thank you to everyone involved. 

Miss Alexander 

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