Monday 10 January 2011


A big welcome back and 'happy new year' to all staff, parents and children.
We have been back almost a week now and the children are straight back to work and seem happy to be back. Lots of things have already taken place and will be taking place throughout the term. Please read your child's termly overview to find out what they will be doing over the next few weeks.
Remember also, that teachers are now contactable by email, if you wish to use this facility, pick up a form from the office, the class teacher will contact you by email when you hand it in.
Fronter will be used by your children to access their homework and link to sites that will support them with their learning. If you would like to know more about Fronter, watch out for parent information sessions later during the term.
Finally, any concerns or questions about your child or their learning, please speak to the class teacher.

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